Imagine a scene straight out of a childhood dream: a little one, covered in swirls of creamy ice cream frosting, their laughter ringing out as they dive into a delightful ice cream cake for their first birthday. As a photographer, these moments are pure magic. Capturing the sweet joy and messy fun that comes with celebrating a first birthday milestone is fantastic. Join me for an ice cream cake smash extravaganza, where every scoop and sprinkle adds to the delicious story of childhood bliss!

Ice Cream is a Sweet Treat with Sprinkles
When photographing children, maintaining a lively and efficient pace is key. Parents will most likely assist with calming their child and grabbing their attention during the session. If your little one is already crawling like a speedy train or walking like a sailor who’s had a few too many… parents should be ready for a high impact workout.
Three Steps for Cake Smash Success
At Alisha Cory Photography, each cake smash celebration includes three steps for success: clean, messy and splash portraits.
Step One: Clean Portraits

Before diving into the birthday celebration chaos, every session starts with simple or “clean” portraits of your baby. While I adore styled cake smash sessions, I also prioritize providing clients with timeless, beautiful photos of their little ones. During this phase, expect to be on the move, gently guiding your baby back to the photoshoot area as needed. Your little one might express some restlessness, so having their favorite toys handy can be a great distraction.
Step Two: Messy Cake Smash Portraits

Once the cake arrives, the excitement kicks in! The messy part of the cake smash session moves swiftly. Your baby leads the way, with some eagerly diving into the cake while others may need a bit of encouragement. If your little one is hesitant, parents may need to step in and demonstrate how it’s done!
Note: It’s common for most babies to cry during this process—some more, some less. Adding in baby’s favorite treats or singing and dancing to their beloved songs often turns tears into smiles with parental involvement.
Rest assured, even if your baby sheds a few tears, we’ll continue capturing memorable moments. Some of the most endearing photos can emerge amidst the giggles and cries! (LOL.)
Step Three: Splash Portraits

Splish, splash, time for an ice “s”cream bath!
After the cake is devoured, it’s time to get cleaned up. So, why not turn bath-time into a fun photo opportunity? Most little ones adore splashing in water, so expect lots of giggles and joyful moments during this part of the session. Just like our ice cream diva here, who turned her post-cake bath into a delightful splash-filled spectacle!
As we wrap up this ice cream cake smash journey of sweetness and giggles, I can’t wait for you to plan and prepare your unique cake smash experience. Just like this little star, your baby’s celebration will be a whirlwind of joy, creating a photo album filled with unforgettable memories.
Let’s connect and make first birthday magic together!
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